Basic Regulations
  • Participants should look the part when engaging in LARP Games.
  • Participants shall follow the rules set forth by the organizing committee. They shall also follow the ruling and instructions of the event marshals.
  • Any tools and implements brought in by the participant to be used in the games shall be submitted to the appropriate committee for inspection to certify that it could safely be used during the event.
  • Real weapons, concealed or not, or other implements meant to do physical harm are prohibited in the sanctioned game area and its support facilities.
  • Explosives, Chemical weapons and other such items are prohibited.
  • LARPing is a physical activity which oftentimes requires contact. Rough and unruly behavior with intent to injure, maim or physically disable others shall not be tolerated. Violators shall be banned from further LARP Games activities and be handed over to the proper civilian authorities to face legal actions.

Other Rules and Regulations